
Another little dream

Semalam i post on facebook; "  dapat jadi backpacker for a month pun best ni ! ^^ "

Dah lamaa sebenarnya i want to travel macam tu. Backpacker. and pegi tempat rare. Street market especially. The street market is the most favourite. yelaa, I'm not jenis yang setiaa pada yang satu pada satu-satu barang. eh, bukan orang. kalau orang, setia, depends on how you describe what is loyalty.hehe. benda murah, so tak rasa rugi beli barang.ehehe
exploring vintage things, 

street fashions,

halal local foods,

using rare public transports,

and yes, exploring the nature and culture. and also its people.huhu. pegi jumpa ethnics or orang asli. and hope tak jumpa yang man-eating tiger or human lah kan ! haha I'm not the one yang admire posh-style-travel dgn luggage pink Roxy bagai. No. not me. we have some fun here and there, eating delicious food, getting some info and the culture, brisk walk on the beach.huaaa.

and maybe i lagi prefer to be flashpacker. which is means.

"Flashpacking is a neologism used to refer to an affluent backpacker. Whereas backpacking is traditionally associated with budget travel and destinations that are relatively cheap, flashpacking has an association of more disposable income while traveling and has been defined simply as backpacking with a bigger budget.[16][17] The origin of the term itself is obscure." (Mr Wiki, n.d)

yang penting, hotel or hostel or campsite yang bersih, selesa, and murah ! haha

if I'am a Man, and Rich, of course dah banyak tempat aku jelajah sekarang ni. Dont mind laa sorang-sorang ke ape kan. tak pun, Girl macam saya ni ditemani seorang lelaki ala-ala Johnny Depp or Bront Palare. Entah kenapa, if it comes to travel or camping, aku selalu mimpikan orang style2 macam ni yang teman kan.ehehe and he must be a good candid-photographer. sebab saya sukaa candid tapi malas nak pegang kamera. Nak orang je yang tangkap gamba sayaa.HAHHA.

ini diaa Panjiayuan Street Market in Beijing. the cheapest antique market in Beijing.
kalau dapat pegi, best ni. banyak benda boleh explore. and yang best, the shops run everydayy !

this is Hanoi street. thanks to Mr Google. I want to troll in that street XD

and also places like Bandung, Mumbai, and Korea !

huaa, saya memang kuat berjalan. I mean, travel tempat orang. I dont mind ikot sapa-sapa berjalan or travel, asalkan ada duit sikit, ada masa, and I will be thereee.
Lepas tengok Invite Mr Wright dekat TLC, lagi laa rasaa nak jadi backpacker ! haha

till then.

p/s: nak future husband kaki jalan macam saya ! :p

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